Mercantile Exchange

Mercantile Exchange

Amin Avid Brokerage is an active agent which is constantly utilizing its management and staff knowledge and expertise in the mercantile market. The brokerage is currently permitted to trade Industrial and Mineral, Agricultural and other related goods debt securities. The company provides consultation services in introducing new products to the mercantile market.

The principals that Amin Avid Brokerage stands for include commitment to transactions, assurance of best educated consultation, and promise of speed and accuracy in execution of trades and services.

The most important services that Amin Avid Brokerage offers in the mercantile market are as follows;
• Purchase and sales of all kinds of metal and agricultural products traded on the commodity exchange
• Offer and acceptance of metal and agricultural products in commodity exchange
• Provide expert advice in buying and selling metal and agriculture products in commodity exchange
• Notice about prices, daily volume, rates of all listed products